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This blog post shares some information on postpartum mental health based on responses that PowerMoms like you have shared with us. The more PowerMoms join together, the more we learn from each other!

Your Data Helps Us Understand: Postpartum Mental Health

30-50% of PowerMoms in the postpartum period reported blaming themselves unnecessarily when things went wrong, or feeling anxious or worried for no good reason.

Interestingly, PowerMoms in the postpartum period over the age of 35 report fewer of these symptoms than those who are younger than 35.

Thank you for helping us learn! To gain even MORE insights, we need more participation from PowerMoms like you!

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Postpartum Resources

For Immediate Support

If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help now and you’re in the USA, you can go to Crisis Text Line’s website at To text with a counselor, and/or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988 or 1-800-273 -TALK (8255) or go to their website:

Here are other topics on the pregnancy journey that your data helps us understand:

Our your data helps blogs are co-authored by Justin Wang, PhD Candidate at Scripps Research and intern at the Scripps Research Digital Trials Center. His background is in Molecular and Cell Biology, and he has a deep interest in science policy and advocacy.

Lauren Serpico

Lauren Serpico, Ph.D, is the Sr. Project Manager of Social Media Content at Scripps Research Digital Trials Center. Her background is in Community Psychology, with a focus on online social networks.